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Home (Repairs) for the Holidays

Home (Repairs) for the Holidays

Thanksgivings were never boring at Mary’s home. Each year she had a theme, like “fall” or “football.” Mary would go to great lengths to bring that theme to life. The house would be entirely decorated with cutouts, banners, and posters. She would go so far as to designate a color each year. All the napkins, plates, even the cups would be in that color. Family would pour in from all over the country to enjoy the scrumptious food, watch the football games, and play board games. More than anything, Mary loved the time she got to spend with her family. Mary hosted Thanksgiving for over 25 years.

It became harder to host these parties as the house started to deteriorate. The kitchen started leaking. She had to add buckets around the house when it rained. The leaks progressively got worse. The situation was becoming unbearable.

That is when a friend referred her to our pilot program with Build it Green and El Concilio. This pilot program delivers a range of repairs depending on the home. They vary from healthy home remediation to roof repairs. These upgrades are necessary for these homes to be eligible for energy efficiency upgrades and/or free solar from other existing energy assistance programs. The repairs can make a home more comfortable, as well as improve the health of the residents.

This Thanksgiving, Mary said she was thankful she could stay in her home because of this program. We are thankful too. Thankful we are able to connect with resilient people like Mary and play a small part in their lives.

To learn more about our pilot program with Build it Green, as well as our other pilot programs, visit:


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.