Latest News

Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Celebrating local champions

Learn about the individuals and groups that are leading the way to an all-electric future. Meet the local visionaries who are making an impact on clean energy adoption.

Woman with an electric bike in a residential driveway.
Two adult men and an adult woman stand at a long table while raising their hands, seemingly voting while at a meeting

Community Voices

Advising for just, healthy communities

Our Community Advisory Committee plays a vital role in guiding Peninsula Clean Energy’s mission and advising the Board and PCE staff on offerings that benefit everyone. Meet the group shaping our programs and policies on your behalf.

Collaborate with Us

Become a champion

You can help lead the way to an all-electric future through these easy steps:

  • Tell your friends and neighbors about PCE and its benefits
  • Subscribe to PCE’s newsletter
  • Connect with PCE at an event
  • Invite PCE to speak at your organization or participate in your event 
  • Give us your feedback or provide a testimonial about your experience with PCE
  • Participate in our public meetings or apply for the CAC

Want to partner with us? Become one of our champions by emailing us at

Close-up of a woman holding a PCE pamphlet in her hands while explaining it to a female community event attendee


Keeping up with PCE

Would you like to stay informed about PCE’s efforts to bring clean, affordable electricity to your home?

Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.