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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Enrollment Notices for New Energy Agency for San Mateo County Residents and Business are in the Mail

News Release -

July 19, 2016

Enrollment Notices for New Energy Agency for San Mateo County Residents and Business are in the Mail

Peninsula Clean Energy offers cleaner energy at lower rates for all residents and businesses

REDWOOD CITY, CA – Thousands of San Mateo County residents and business will soon receive the first of several notices informing them about the coming change in their electric energy supply from PG&E to the locally based and governed Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE).

The Peninsula Clean Energy Authority, formed in March 2016, is a joint powers authority made up of the County of San Mateo and the 20 cities in the County. This joint powers authority was formed to provide the residents and businesses in San Mateo County with a cleaner and greener choice in where their energy is sourced.

Beyond the source of electricity, customers will not experience any noticeable changes. Every customer will continue to receive a PG&E bill that will substitute Peninsula Clean Energy as the provider of the energy generation. All payments will continue to be sent to PG&E. PG&E will continue to respond to all service needs such as power outages or other typical issues. This will be a seamless transition with no disruption for customers. The only significant change is that Peninsula Clean Energy will provide cleaner electricity at lower rates for all residents and businesses in San Mateo County.

“The Board, staff and supporters who helped launch PCE are excited that local residents and businesses will now have the opportunity to purchase greener energy at rates below PG&E’s.” said Supervisor Dave Pine, Chair of the Peninsula Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors. “With PCE, San Mateo County rate payers can substantially reduce their carbon emissions while enjoying lower energy costs.”

For residents and businesses in San Mateo County enrollment in Peninsula Clean Energy is automatic and will continue through the late spring of 2017. The initial enrollment of local customers in October of 2016 will include approximately 20 percent of San Mateo County residents throughout the County as well as all small to medium sized businesses. All will be enrolled in the ECOplus default product, which includes a minimum 50 percent renewable energy and 75 percent greenhouse gas free content at a generation rate that is approximately 5% lower than PG&E. Currently PG&E provides 30% renewable energy and 60% greenhouse free content.

All residents and businesses are invited to consider the opportunity to enroll early in this program and to opt up to a 100% renewable option branded as ECO100 for a small price premium.

For local residents and business interested in learning more or to explore the ECO100 option, information is available at or by phone at 1-866-966-0110.


Media Contacts

David Burruto
(650) 363-4126


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.