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Four Bay Area Aggregators Speak Out on “Short-Sighted” CPUC Decision

News Release -

June 18, 2020

Four Bay Area Aggregators Speak Out on “Short-Sighted” CPUC Decision

Oakland, Calif. – Four of California’s community choice aggregators serving the Bay Area stated their deep disappointment by a decision of the California Public Utilities Commission regarding resource adequacy program refinements made at the Commission’s Thursday, June 11 voting meeting.

“This is a short-sighted decision by the CPUC. It directly undermines current and future value streams from investments in local community-supported energy investments we are making and creates unnecessary regulatory uncertainty for all future investments,” said East Bay Community Energy, Peninsula Clean Energy, San José Clean Energy, and Silicon Valley Clean Energy in a joint statement.

The CPUC decision designates Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison as central buyers for resource adequacy. By doing so, the decision favors investments in large-scale gas procurement rather than in the innovative and clean local reliability resources that our public agencies are making. This change in direction leaves value on the table that threatens to raise customer costs.

The statement continued, “The CPUC’s action undermines our ability to make long-term planning decisions, while undercutting incentives to speed up clean energy innovation. Creating a process to examine ways to mitigate this decision’s harmful impacts does little to address the harm today. It represents a lost opportunity to support local clean energy investments being made today.”


Media Contacts

Darren Goode
Peninsula Clean Energy
(202) 550-6619

Pete Hillan
Singer Associates Public Relations


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