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Jan Pepper honored as Green Power Leader of the Year

News Release -

October 24, 2017

Jan Pepper honored as Green Power Leader of the Year

REDWOOD CITY, California, October 24, 2017 – This week Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presented the 17th annual Green Power Leadership Awards, which are competitive awards that recognize organizations and individuals for outstanding commitments and achievements in the green power marketplace. Peninsula Clean Energy’s CEO Jan Pepper was honored as Green Power Leader of the Year by CRS.

The Green Power Leader of the Year award recognizes outstanding leadership by an individual who is leveraging his or her influence, power, position, or purchasing power to increase the prevalence of renewable energy. Evaluation criteria include: efforts and achievements of an individual,  contributions to building the green power market, and dedication to and vision for renewable energy.

“Working to make the world a better, cleaner, and more sustainable place for us and our children, through the use of renewable energy, has been extremely fulfilling and enjoyable,” said Pepper. “It is an honor to be recognized by this wonderful organization and to receive this award.”

The awards were presented at the Renewable Energy Markets 2017 conference in New York, NY. “This year’s winners are true leaders in helping expand access to renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said CRS Executive Director Jennifer Martin. “In selecting Jan, the evaluation committee was very impressed with her long record of success in helping to grow the renewable energy market.”

This year’s award recipients were selected for their commitment to increasing green power use, from installing green power on-site to innovative purchasing. The awardees were selected based on many

criteria, including the size and scale of their green power use, leadership and innovation in purchasing and generating green power, internal and external communications efforts, as well as organizational strategy for investing in green power.

For more information about the 2017 Green Power Leadership Award winners, visit

About Peninsula Clean Energy

Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) is San Mateo County’s official electricity provider. PCE is a public, locally controlled community choice energy program that provides all electric customers in San Mateo County the choice of having electricity supplied from clean, renewable sources at competitive rates. The Peninsula Clean Energy Authority, formed in March 2016, is a joint powers authority made up of the County of San Mateo and all 20 cities in the County. PCE serves approximately 290,000 accounts.

About the Green Power Leadership Awards

The annual Green Power Leadership Awards (GPLAs) are competitive awards that recognize outstanding commitments and achievements in the green power marketplace. By choosing green power instead of conventional electricity, consumers, businesses, and organizations can support increased deployment of renewable energy technologies that will reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation and increase energy security. The GPLAs are presented by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at the annual Renewable Energy Markets conference. Learn more at


Media Contacts

Peninsula Clean Energy
Dan Lieberman

Center for Resource Solutions
Jeff Swenerton


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