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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

PCE Now Serving All of San Mateo County with Lower Cost, Cleaner Electricity

News Release -

April 14, 2017

PCE Now Serving All of San Mateo County with Lower Cost, Cleaner Electricity

Peninsula Clean Energy, San Mateo County’s official electricity provider, will be celebrating the completion of customer enrollment, making PCE the largest community choice energy provider in California. Please join Peninsula Clean Energy board members, staff, local business, and media representatives in Macy’s Center Court in Hillsdale Shopping Center in San Mateo to celebrate this important milestone.

Who: Rick Bonilla, City Council member, City of San Mateo

David Pine, County Supervisor, Peninsula Clean Energy Board Member

Jan Pepper, Chief Executive Officer, Peninsula Clean Energy
Cheryl Angeles, President & CEO, San Mateo Chamber of Commerce
Balduin Hesse, CEO, Frontier Renewables
Jeff Aalfs, Town Councilmember, Portola Valley
Glenn Sylvester, Mayor, Daly City
What: A press conference to learn about the benefits, history and vision of Peninsula
Clean Energy from elected officials and local businesses.
Where: Macy’s Center Court
Hillsdale Shopping Center
60 E 31st Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94403

When: Wednesday April 19, 2017
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Why:                PCE Celebrates serving 300,000 electric customers in San Mateo County

Photo Opp:      Elected officials will hold a PCE banner, place a PCE window sticker

About Peninsula Clean Energy

Peninsula Clean Energy is a public, locally-controlled electricity provider that gives all PG&E electric customers (residential, commercial, and municipal) in San Mateo County the choice of having 50% to 100% of their electricity supplied from clean, renewable sources at competitive rates. The Peninsula Clean Energy Authority, formed in March 2016, is a joint powers authority made up of the County of San Mateo and the 20 cities in the County. This joint powers authority was formed to provide the residents and businesses in San Mateo County with a cleaner and greener choice in where their energy is sourced

Media Contacts

Peninsula Clean Energy
Dan Lieberman
Phone: 650-395-9190


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.