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Peninsula Clean Energy and California Energy Commission Propose $24 Million Partnership to Install Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers in San Mateo County

News Release -

August 13, 2019

Peninsula Clean Energy and California Energy Commission Propose $24 Million Partnership to Install Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers in San Mateo County

Redwood City, CA – August 13, 2019 – Peninsula Clean Energy, the California Energy Commission, and Center for Sustainable Energy are partnering to launch an incentive project in San Mateo County in 2020 to increase publicly available electric vehicle charging locations with investments potentially reaching $24 million. Using $12 million from PCE and an additional $12 million proposed by the California Energy Commission (CEC), thousands of charging stations will be installed in San Mateo County over the next four years.

The project is an initiative of the Energy Commission’s California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP), which works with local community partners to develop and implement regional incentive projects for charging infrastructure that supports the adoption of EVs statewide.

“Expanding EV charging stations in our communities is the logical next step in our efforts to make driving an electric vehicle accessible and affordable,” said CEO Jan Pepper of Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE), the not-for-profit community choice electricity agency serving approximately 290,000 accounts in San Mateo County.

“We are pleased that the Energy Commission is so supportive of PCE’s suite of EV programs,” Pepper said. “PCE already has incentives for purchase or lease of new electric vehicles, and a program to help low-income residents who want to buy a used EV. Now we’re making sure that all drivers will be able to easily charge their cars at work, at home, or at various public locations.” PCE is also providing public EV marketing campaigns, test drive events, an additional $2 million for outreach and technical assistance to help property owners prepare to install EV chargers, and technical support for school districts switching to electric school buses.

“The Energy Commission is excited to partner with Peninsula Clean Energy to increase access to convenient charging for electric vehicles in San Mateo County,” said Commissioner Patty Monahan of the Energy Commission. “By expanding the state’s charging network, CALeVIP projects like this one help the state transition to zero-emission transportation, improve air quality and reach the state’s climate goals.”

CALeVIP and its regional projects are implemented by the Center for Sustainable Energy and funded primarily by the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program (also known as the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program).

Peninsula Clean Energy estimates that driving an EV saves over $1,200 a year in maintenance and fuel costs compared to a gas-powered car. San Mateo County has an estimated 19,000 plug-in electric vehicles on the road.

“Peninsula Clean Energy is moving to the forefront of the state’s electric vehicle infrastructure efforts with this significant investment,” said Andy Hoskinson, Senior Manager for EV Initiatives with the Center for Sustainable Energy. “Local EV sales should increase as residents realize they can find convenient charging stations in San Mateo County.”

“The lack of charging stations is one of the main reasons consumers are reluctant to make the switch to electric vehicles. We can’t move the needle on EV adoption unless we aggressively expand our charging infrastructure. This state and local funding partnership would not only support the current demand in the South Bay and Peninsula, but also help meet the needs of future EV drivers,” said Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), whose district includes northern San Mateo County.

The CEC is also proposing an additional $18 million for partnerships with Silicon Valley Clean Energy, San Jose Clean Energy, City of Palo Alto Utilities and Silicon Valley Power. Total CEC investments in the regional CALeVIP collaboration between San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties are proposed at $33 million.


About Peninsula Clean Energy

Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) is San Mateo County’s official electricity provider. PCE ( is a public local community choice energy program that provides electric customers in San Mateo County with cleaner electricity at lower rates than those charged by the local incumbent utility. PCE is projected to save customers an estimated $18 million a year. PCE, formed in March 2016, is a joint powers authority made up of the County of San Mateo and all 20 cities and towns in the County. PCE serves approximately 290,000 accounts.

About the California Energy Commission

The California Energy Commission is the state’s primary energy policy and planning agency.

The agency was established by the California Legislature through the Warren-Alquist Act in 1974. It has seven core responsibilities: advancing state energy policy, encouraging energy efficiency, certifying thermal power plants, investing in energy innovation, developing renewable energy, transforming transportation and preparing for energy emergencies.

About the Center for Sustainable Energy

The Center for Sustainable Energy® (CSE) is a nonprofit offering clean energy program administration and technical advisory services. With the experience and streamlined efficiency of a for-profit operation, CSE leads with the passion and heart of a nonprofit. We work nationwide with energy policymakers, regulators, public agencies, businesses and others as an expert implementation partner and trusted resource.

Media Contacts

Peninsula Clean Energy
Kirsten Andrews-Schwind

California Energy Commission 
Melissa Jones-Ferguson

Center for Sustainable Energy
Chuck Colgan


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.