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Peninsula Clean Energy Grant Program Funds Outreach to Low-Income Residents

News Release -

January 23, 2019

Peninsula Clean Energy Grant Program Funds Outreach to Low-Income Residents

REDWOOD CITY, CA – January 23, 2019 – A Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) community grant program for local non-profits has enhanced outreach to low-income residents to help them save money on their energy bills. Acterra, El Concilio de San Mateo County, Pacifica Resource Center, Rebuilding Together Peninsula, and Sound of Hope Radio used their grants to help residents understand their PG&E bills and enroll in programs to reduce energy costs. Their efforts reached up to 100,000 residents throughout San Mateo County in English, Spanish, Chinese, Samoan, or Tongan.

“I’m pleased that Peninsula Clean Energy is committed to helping members of our community save money,” stated Assemblymember Marc Berman, who represents part of San Mateo County. “By bolstering educational outreach, I’m hopeful that more residents will achieve greater energy efficiency and cost savings.”

“Partnering with Peninsula Clean Energy in this communications effort allowed us to increase our efforts to educate residents about energy savings and efficiency programs for which they may be eligible,” said Anita Rees of the Pacifica Resource Center, a provider of comprehensive social services on the northern San Mateo County coast. “Residents enrolled in these programs can save hundreds of dollars a year on their bills.”

The nonprofits also reassured residents that they continued to be eligible for utility discount programs as Peninsula Clean Energy customers. Peninsula Clean Energy is the official electricity supplier to San Mateo County’s 290,000 resident and business customers, providing cleaner energy at lower rates. The five organizations utilized their Peninsula Clean Energy grants to contact residents through community events, social media, radio, case management, and direct mail. Another round of outreach grants for local organizations is planned for 2019.

Media Contacts

Peninsula Clean Energy
Kirsten Andrews-Schwind
M: 650.260.0096

Agency Contact
Tom Mertens
M: 408.234.6881


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