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GovBE Program: Electrification for public buildings

Public Building Electrification Program

GovBE: Convert to clean, efficient electricity

The GovBE program will help local governments convert methane gas to clean, efficient electricity in their buildings with grants of up to $600,000 per jurisdiction per year and loans of up to $600,000 per jurisdiction per year.


How to fund your building electrification

The GovBE program includes two funding components:

Program Benefits

Incentive levels & limits

Projects will be selected through a competitive process and incentives provided based on the following criteria: 

  • Maximum incentive based on projected methane savings at a rate of $16 per therm saved per year  
  • The maximum amount of incentive support available for each jurisdiction is $600,000 per year 
  • Must meet minimum 25% match requirements as outlined below 

Loan Availability

Loan levels, terms, & limits

Loans will be available to project awardees as follows:  

  • Total financing may not exceed the net cost of the project (total cost, less other funding and PCE incentives, less 25% cost share requirement) 
  • 7-year loan term 
  • 1% interest rate  
  • Minimum loan size of $50,000 per jurisdiction per year 
  • Maximum limit of $600,000 per jurisdiction per year 
  • Payments will be made monthly to Peninsula Clean Energy 
  • Must meet minimum 25% match requirements as outlined below

Loan Requirements

Minimum 25% match requirements

At least 25% of the project total cost must be covered by non-Peninsula Clean Energy funds, such as existing local government capital improvement budgets, state or federal grants, or donations.

Loan Timeline

Schedule for 2025 funding round

May 16

Program applications open

July 3

Program applications close

July 26

Project award notifications


Questions about the GovBE program?

Email us with the subject line “GovBE” at


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.