Energy choices
Peninsula Clean Energy is delivering cleaner, greener electricity at lower rates. You can choose between two different product options, ECOplus and ECO100. Each product has a different amount of sustainable energy from renewable sources like solar and wind.
ECOplus is our default electric option, in which you are automatically enrolled.
- Lower rates than what you currently pay PG&E
- 50% renewable and 100% clean energy

ECO100 is for those who want to help make the greatest impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 100% renewable and carbon-free. Costs $0.015 per kWh more than our ECOplus option.

ECO100 is Green-e Energy certified, and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at green-e.org.
ECO100 rates
ECO100 costs $0.015 per kWh more than our ECOplus option. Our average residential customer uses 425 kWh per month, so ECO100 will cost the average residential customer $6.38 per month above ECOplus.
To enroll in ECO100, click the “Upgrade to ECO100” button above.
Calculate ECO100 cost
ECO100 Cost
Solar Customers
Solar buy-back rates
If you have solar or wind generation installed at your home or business, Peninsula Clean Energy will pay you higher rates for your generated energy than PG&E does. Net Energy Metering (NEM) is a way of earning credit for the renewable power you produce to offset some or all of the charges you would normally pay for using power. If you are already a NEM customer with PG&E, your account will be automatically enrolled in our NEM program—which pays you higher rates for your surplus electricity than PG&E does.

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