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Time-of-Use (TOU) Rates


Time-of-use (TOU) rates

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has directed the transition of residential customers from the E-1 (Tiered) Rate to a Time-Of-Use (TOU) rate. California is advancing toward a clean energy future by purchasing energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric. Implementing time-of-use rates is another important step to move the State more quickly to 100% carbon-free energy. 

Understanding TOU

Time-of-use is important

Electricity demand peaks in the evening when solar generation tapers off and people start to cook/use household appliances. To provide for this dramatic increase in demand, typically fossil fuel power plants are used. With time-of-use rates, electricity is priced higher during this peak period, but lower during the rest of the day.


Peak pricing 4-9 PM every day

The E-TOU-C time-of-use rate plan has different prices for energy based on the time of day. Peak pricing is 4-9 PM every day, which is when electricity demand is highest. Prices are lower during off-peak times when overall electricity demand is lower. You will save more by shifting your energy use, such as running the dishwasher and doing laundry, to the off-peak period.

Time-of-use Overview Video

Watch on Youtube
Rate options 
TOU transition 
Assistance programs 


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.