The RFP was updated on April 29th.
Offers due Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time
For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see 2019 Electric Vehicle Charging Technical Assistance Program.
RFP Overview
Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) programs include advancing the adoption of electric vehicles and transitioning building fossil fuel uses to low-carbon electricity. With this request for proposals (RFP), PCE requests proposals to execute a Technical Assistance program for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Multiple proposals may be selected to support the program. Not all tasks are required to be included in every proposal.
This RFP
- Provides general background on PCE
- Describes the service sought by PCE (scope of work)
- Provides an opportunity for Proposers to describe their qualifications and assets and explain how they could contribute to the program
RFP Schedule
Date | Event |
Wed., April 10, 2019 | PCE launches RFP: Publishes RFP Instructions. |
Fri., April 26, 2019 | Deadline for Proposers to submit questions (see below) |
Fri., May 3, 2019 | PCE provides responses to questions on PCE’s website |
Wed., June 5, 2019 5:00 pm PT | Deadline for Proposers to submit proposals |
Wed. June 12, Thurs. June 13, 2019 | Possible in-person interviews of top proposers |
Mon., July 1, 2019 | Anticipated date PCE will notify awardee |
Thurs. July 25 2019 | Anticipated date for Board approval of contract |
Proposal Submittal
Proposals must be received on or before the above deadline and submittal must be by email to with the subject “Proposal – EV Charging Technical Assistance Program,”
By participating in PCE’s RFP process, a Proposer acknowledges that it has read, understands, and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in these RFP Instructions. PCE reserves the right to reject any offer that does not comply with the requirements identified herein. Furthermore, PCE may, in its sole discretion and without notice, modify, suspend, or terminate the RFP without liability to any organization or individual. The RFP does not constitute an offer to buy or create an obligation for PCE to enter into an agreement with any party, and PCE shall not be bound by the terms of any offer until PCE has entered into a fully executed agreement.
Only electronic submittals will be accepted.
Questions/ Recommendations:
- Question & Answer: Proposers may submit questions concerning the RFP at All questions and answers will be shared with all Proposers and will be posted on PCE’s website.
- Proposal Review: PCE may request clarifications by email or phone Thursday May 30, 2019. Prompt responses will be requested.