GovPV: Solar + storage for public buildings
The GovPV program helps public agencies and school districts install solar photovoltaic energy and solar+battery backup systems on public facilities.
Solar energy projects can provide energy cost savings, on-site renewable energy, reduced carbon emissions, and when battery backup systems are included, maintain power in the event of a grid outage. However, the capital investment and resource requirements for these projects present significant barriers. The GovPV program helps Peninsula Clean Energy's customers who are public agencies overcome these barriers by providing needed resources and a streamlined process.
A power purchase agreement (PPA) with Peninsula Clean Energy provides the public agency site host or owner with a fixed, economical price for electricity. There is no capital outlay for the site host or owner.
Peninsula Clean Energy will provide energy and savings analyses, vendor selection via public solicitation, management, coordination and support – at no cost to the site host or owner. The solar or solar + battery backup system will be owned, installed, and maintained by Peninsula Clean Energy's vendor.
Contact us for an initial consultation, and to learn more about eligibility and the program.
Peninsula Clean Energy, a Community Choice Aggregation agency, was founded in 2016. It is the official electricity provider for San Mateo County and the City of Los Banos. As a community-led, not-for-profit agency, Peninsula Clean Energy makes significant investments in its communities to expand access to sustainable and affordable energy solutions. The agency has earned investment grade credit ratings from Moody’s and Fitch.
Peter Levitt, Program Manager
Peter Levitt, Program Manager
Project Timeline
Nov 2022 – Jan 2023
- Fill out site intake form
- Hold site review meeting
Feb – May 2023
- Assess site(s)
- Peninsula Clean Energy sends and public agency signs Participation Agreement
- April 14: Deadline to submit interconnection applications to secure NEM 2.0
Jun – Sep 2023
- PCE runs Request for Offers for solar construction services on behalf of all public agency participants
- PCE and public agency review final pricing based on results of RFO
- PCE will send Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to participants for initial review
Oct – Dec 2023
- Participants sign PPA
- PCE signs EPC agreement with vendor chosen from RFO
- Vendor chosen from RFO constructs the array
- PCE provides construction administration
- Customer provides site access and information
- PCE and our Operations partners maintain the systems
- Participants will see a drop in their energy usage
- Participants are billed monthly for the solar energy by PCE