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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Offers due Wednesday, November 28 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time

For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see PCE 2018 Graphic Design Request for Proposals

RFP Overview

Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) plans to substantially expand its marketing and graphic design capacity in 2019, with an emphasis on promoting local energy programs designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With this request for proposals (RFP), PCE requests information about your company’s experience and qualifications in graphic design and brand management as described in this RFP scope of work.

This RFP
• Provides general background on PCE
• Describes the service sought by PCE (scope of work)
• Provides an opportunity for respondents to describe their qualifications and to explain how they could contribute to the program

By participating in PCE’s RFP process, a Participant acknowledges that it has read, understands, and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in these RFP Instructions. PCE reserves the right to reject any offer that does not comply with the requirements identified herein. Furthermore, PCE may, in its sole discretion and without notice, modify, suspend, or terminate the RFP without liability to any organization or individual. The RFP does not constitute an offer to buy or create an obligation for PCE to enter into an agreement with any party, and PCE shall not be bound by the terms of any offer until PCE has entered into a fully executed agreement.

Peninsula Clean Energy Overview

Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE), a community choice energy (CCE) program, is San Mateo County’s official electricity provider. PCE is a joint powers agency, formed in February 2016, consisting of the County of San Mateo and all twenty of its cities.  PCE provides cleaner and greener electricity, at lower rates than the incumbent investor-owned utility (IOU), Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E). PCE plans for and secures commitments from a diverse portfolio of energy generating resources to reliably serve the electric energy requirements of its customers over the near-, mid-, and long-term planning horizons. For more information on PCE, please go to

PCE’s Strategic Goals:

  1. Design a diverse power portfolio that is greenhouse gas free:
    1. 100% GHG free by 2021
    2. Sourced by 100% CA RPS eligible renewable energy by 2025
    3. Create a minimum of 20 MWs of new local power by 2025
  2. Continually strive to offer ECOPlus at rates that are at parity or lower than PG&E rates.
  3. Stimulate development of new renewable energy projects and clean-tech innovation in San Mateo County and California through PCE’s procurement activities.
  4. Demonstrate quantifiable economic benefits to the County/region and place a priority on local hiring and workforce development practices and environmental justice.
  5. Implement programs to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing in programs such as local clean power production, electric vehicles, energy efficiency, and demand response, and partnering effectively with local business, schools, and nonprofit organizations.
  6. Maximize and maintain customer participation in PCE.
  7. Provide a superior customer experience
  8. Build a financially sustainable organization.
  9. Foster a work environment that espouses sustainable business practices and cultivates a culture of innovation, diversity, transparency, integrity, and commitment to the organization’s mission and the communities it serves.

Peninsula Clean Energy’s brand is clear, clean, professional, and upbeat. As a government agency serving all of San Mateo County, our audience is broad and diverse. For Peninsula Clean Energy’s branding and design aesthetic, please review our website at Examples of recent design products include:

RFP Schedule

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Scope of Work

  1. Graphic Design Services
      1. Develop exceptionally professional, clean, and compelling layout and final artwork for print and digital collateral, including displays, flyers, brochures, presentations, reports, social media, mailers, ads, banners, infographics, templates, icons, and other visual formats
      2. Provide flexible capacity to complete multiple design projects simultaneously during busy periods, and ability to rapidly ramp up or down the capacity dedicated to this contract to meet fluctuating client needs. Volume of work may fluctuate between 10 to 80 or more hours per week.
      3. Develop ideas for communicating complex concepts through clean, professional, and compelling visual design
      4. Understand the PCE brand and articulate the brand message through appropriate design solutions
      5. Maintain and update brand guideline documents
      6. Create artistic and creative illustrations for marketing materials to support PCE programs and services as needed
      7. Contribute to planning of specific advertising and communications campaigns as needed
      8. Maintain consistently excellent standards of quality and attention to detail in all drafts and final products
      9. Ability to work at a highly professional level in Adobe Creative Suite
      10. Attend and direct PCE photo shoots as needed
  2. Client Communication
    1. Assign a lead designer as point person for this account with availability to meet in-person on site at PCE office on a regular basis (weekly if needed) to make on-the-spot design revisions as well as explore visual design concepts collaboratively with PCE staff
    2. Communicate effectively in writing and in verbal conversation, establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with all persons encountered during the performance of duties
    3. Track client direction and feedback with utmost attention to detail in order to deliver promptly and accurately upon all requests
    4. Deliver products by deadlines as directed by client
    5. Maintain system of saving and tracking design files on client’s online cloud storage system with high attention to detail in tracking draft versions
    6. Track hours effectively and bill client accurately
    7. Respond to client communications within 24 hours

RFP Documents

For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see PCE 2018 Graphic Design Request for Proposals