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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

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Responses are due Friday July 26, 2024 at 5 PM Pacific Time.


Peninsula Clean Energy Authority issues this Request for Quotes (RFQ) to seek quotes from qualified EV charging infrastructure and/or charge management providers for the EV Ready program.

This RFQ is requesting EV charging pricing, including hardware and any ongoing software or subscription costs, for qualifying EV charging equipment and/or charge management systems. These price quotes will be utilized in Peninsula Clean Energy’s EV Ready Program, in which customers that are receiving free design assistance will be presented with optional charging recommendations as further described in the Background section below. The use of Level 1 and power-managed Level 2 charging stations is a core component of Peninsula Clean Energy’s right-sizing strategy to provide ubiquitous access to EV charging for the community. 

Over 200 EV charging project plans and site designs have already been completed for Peninsula Clean Energy customers receiving technical assistance, representing over 2,000 chargers to be installed. The EV Ready program has a target of providing another 200 project plans and site designs over the next 1-2 years, potentially yielding approximately 2,000 additional chargers, ~4,000 chargers in total. 

This RFQ- 

RFQ Schedule



RFQ Posted on PCE Website

July 3, 2024

Deadline for Submitted Questions 

July 16, 2024

Answers to Submitted Questions Posted on PCE Website

July 18, 2024

Offers Due 

July 26, 2024

RFQ Materials

Content of Response

Interested vendors must submit the following documents (except those marked “Optional”) to be considered for selection:

  1. Cover Letter with the following elements (1 page):
  1. Please provide the following information by filling out the provided Excel form, EVSE VENDOR RFQ RESPONSE TEMPLATE 2024, and attaching additional documents.
  1. Certificates of Insurance for the following coverages:
  1. Supplier Diversity Questionnaire (Optional): Peninsula Clean Energy’s Supplier Diversity Questionnaire can be downloaded at Please note, your response (or lack thereof) will have no impact on your contract status or eligibility to work with Peninsula Clean Energy in accordance with state law.

About Peninsula Clean Energy

Peninsula Clean Energy is the not for profit locally-led electricity provider for San Mateo County and Los Banos. Our mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by expanding access to sustainable and affordable energy solutions. The agency serves over 300,000 customers by providing more than 3,500 gigawatt hours annually of electricity that is 100% carbon-free.

Since Peninsula Clean Energy launched in October 2016 customers have saved over $100 million and over 1 million metric tons CO2e from our electric service compared to 2016 baseline, equivalent to over 140 million gallons of gasoline use. The agency has earned investment grade credit ratings from Moody’s and Fitch. For more information on Peninsula Clean Energy, please go to