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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

This Request for Proposal is closed. Peninsula Clean Energy is not accepting applications.


Peninsula Clean Energy, a California Joint Powers Authority, is seeking proposals from interested vendors for rebate application processing support for the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP). 

The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) incentivizes a variety of distributed energy resources (DERs) located at a customer’s site, including battery energy storage systems (ESS). To help simplify the SGIP application process on behalf of our customers and installers, and to encourage more installations of standalone ESS and/or solar+storage systems, PCE is developing the SGIP Assistance Program.

The consultant selected for the PCE SGIP Assistance Program will work with select pre-approved installers to facilitate the SGIP application (including, but not limited to, eligibility verification, documentation collection and application submission) on behalf of the customer and/or installer.

RFP Schedule


The following dates provide an anticipated schedule for the RFP. Proposed dates after the proposal deadline (August 2, 2024) may be adjusted per PCE’s discretion.

Event Date
RFP released July 1, 2024
Deadline to submit questions July 15, 2024
PCE responses to be posted on PCE website July 22, 2024
Deadline for proposal submission August 2, 2024
Proposal review complete August 16, 2024
Interviews August 19-23, 2024
Notice of Award August 28, 2024
Contract execution September 27, 2024
Project kickoff September 30, 2024

RFP Materials

RFP Questions and Answers

Direct all questions pertaining to this RFP to with the email subject line “SGIP RFP – Questions”. Questions and answers will be uploaded continually until July 22, 2024. 

Link to Answers (Updated July 11, 2024)

Content of Response

Interested vendors must submit the following documents (except those marked “Optional”) to be considered for awarding of this proposal. The proposal shall be no longer than 10 pages, not considering attachments.

1. Cover Letter Including the following elements (1 page):

2. Approach

3. Qualifications and Experience Submit information on the company including description, history and demonstrate the following:

4. Budget

Detailed budget which may include a fixed portion and per-application costs.

5. Supplier Diversity Questionnaire (Optional)

Peninsula Clean Energy’s Supplier Diversity Questionnaire can be downloaded at: Please note, your response (or lack thereof) will have no impact on your contract status or eligibility to work with Peninsula Clean Energy in accordance with state law.

Proposal Submittal

Proposals must be received on or before the above deadline and submittal must be by email to with the subject “Proposal – <Vendor Name> – SGIP”. Only electronic submittals will be accepted. By participating in Peninsula Clean Energy’s RFP process, a Proposer acknowledges that it has read, understands, and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in these RFP instructions.

Minority-owned, women-owned and locally-headquartered businesses are encouraged to respond to this RFP.

Peninsula Clean Energy reserves the right to reject any offer that does not comply with the requirements identified herein. Furthermore, Peninsula Clean Energy may, in its sole discretion and without notice, modify, suspend, or terminate the RFP without liability to any organization or individual. The RFP does not constitute an offer to buy or create an obligation for Peninsula Clean Energy to enter into an agreement with any party, and Peninsula Clean Energy shall not be bound by the terms of any offer until Peninsula Clean Energy has entered into a fully executed agreement.

About Peninsula Clean Energy

Peninsula Clean Energy is a Community Choice Aggregation agency. It is the official electricity provider for San Mateo County and, beginning in 2022, for the City of Los Banos in Merced County.

Founded in 2016 with a mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the San Mateo County, the agency serves over 310,000 customer accounts by providing more than 3,600 gigawatt hours annually of electricity that is carbon-free and at a lower cost than PG&E.

Peninsula Clean Energy’s financial statements including its fiscal year 2021-2022 audited financials are available on its website at

For more information on Peninsula Clean Energy, please go to