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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Offers Due by March 11, 2019

For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see Joint CCA Resource Adequacy Portfolio Management Services RFP.

RFP Overview

East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), Monterey Bay Community Power (MBCP), Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE), San Jose Clean Energy (SJCE), and Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), (collectively, the “Joint CCAs”), are requesting proposals from service providers to provide Joint CCA RA Portfolio Management Services for annual and monthly Resource Adequacy (RA) procurement. The Joint CCAs are seeking this Joint CCA RA Portfolio Management Services to obtain economies of scale by aggregating each CCA’s RA obligations, minimizing market inefficiencies and eliminating the extraordinary amount of time spent by each CCA on satisfying their year-ahead and month-ahead RA obligations.

RFP Schedule

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Desired Project Timeline

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RFP Documents