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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Due Date: December 23, 2019 (5 p.m. PST)

For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see East Bay Community Energy, Peninsula Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy & Silicon Valley Power Distributed Resource Adequacy Capacity Request for Proposal (RFP).


As Bay Area residents and businesses are suffering from unprecedented power outages due to Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoffs (“PSPS”), we must invest in increased resilience to keep our communities safe and livable. The following Bay Area Load Serving Entities, including; East Bay Community Energy (“EBCE”), Peninsula Clean Energy (“PCE”), Silicon Valley Clean Energy (“SVCE”) and Silicon Valley Power (“SVP”) (collectively “the LSEs”) are seeking proposals from qualified developers or vendors (“Proposers or Respondents”) for a comprehensive offering to provide Resource Adequacy (“RA”) capacity and resilience to the LSEs’ residential and commercial customers through the development of customer-sited Distributed Energy Resources (“DERs”) (described on page 16). Through this solicitation, EBCE, SVCE and PCE are seeking to procure a minimum of 10 megawatts (“MW”) each of RA capacity and SVP will be procuring 2.7 MW of RA capacity, proportional to its geography and customer account size relative to the other LSEs, for a total of approximately 32.7 MW.

Every LSE will partner with the relevant selected Proposer(s) to develop a program offering to LSEs’ customers to facilitate the development of projects to provide the desired RA capacity. For each LSE, a minimum capacity will be sited on residential sites with the remaining to be installed on commercial or residential sites (see Mandatory Proposal Requirements: Target Customer Categories for definition of “residential” and “commercial” and minimum requirements). A portion of the capacity shall be be deployed by September 2020 with the remaining capacity targeted for deployment by either June 2021 or September 2021. The LSEs have an extensive need for economically-viable RA, which they seek to address, at least partially, through DER aggregation mechanisms, such as Proxy Demand Response (PDR). This solicitation is being issued by the LSEs in a joint manner, due to the alignment of purpose in responding to the PSPS and increasing community resilience. However, Proposers will submit a separate proposal to each LSE that they are interested in proposing to, but are not required to propose to each LSE, as detailed in the Submittal Requirements section. Each LSE will evaluate proposals separately, with substantial communication occurring between LSEs to discuss proposed strategies and pricing. Each LSE will select and contract with winning Proposer(s) separately. The bulk of this solicitation is the same for each LSE – differences between LSEs have been organized into tables throughout the solicitation to assist prospective Proposers in structuring their response to each LSE.

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Informational Webinar & Q&A Process

LSEs will hold a mandatory informational webinar about this solicitation on November 12, 2019 at 1:30-3:00pm. This webinar will provide an opportunity for Proposers to learn more about the solicitation and ask clarifying questions. Questions that arise after the date of the webinar shall be sent to Questions sent via email must be received by November 22, 2019 at 5pm PST. Questions for a specific LSE should be so labeled. LSEs reserve the right to combine similar questions, rephrase questions, or decline to answer questions, at their sole discretion.

Submittal Requirements

It is the Proposer’s responsibility alone to ensure that its proposals are received by each LSE’s Authorized Representative, as listed in the table below, at the time and place identified in this RFP (see Proposed Calendar of Events). Proposers shall submit, in a non-alterable format such as a PDF, a proposal with the title “[LSE Name] – Proposal for Distributed RA Capacity – [Respondent Firm Name].” Proposers may choose to submit separate proposals to any subset of the LSEs, but only an LSE-specific proposal received by that LSE’s Authorized Representative will be considered by that LSE. Do not submit a single joint proposal for all LSEs, and do not submit an LSE-specific proposal to a different LSE’s Authorized Representative.


RFP Documents
