Questions about the RFI will be accepted on or before May 7, 2020.
Complete responses to this RFI are due May 22, 2020
East Bay Community Energy and Peninsula Clean Energy (“Joint CCAs”), are seeking responses to this Request for Information (“RFI”) from qualified distributed solar photovoltaic and battery energy storage developers or vendors.
Due to the ongoing potential of a major earthquake in the Bay Area, and increasing power outages due to the incumbent Investor-Owned Utility Public Safety Power Shutoff events, investment in increased resilience at public facilities is required to ensure social continuity and community safety in times of grid outage. To that end, the Joint CCAs are seeking responses to this Request for Information from qualified distributed solar photovoltaic and battery energy storage developers or vendors.
Over the last twelve months, the Joint CCA’s Critical Municipal Facility Resilience program has identified 500+ sites across Alameda and San Mateo counties designated to serve the community in a time of emergency and/or grid outage. The objective of this RFI is for the Joint CCAs to gain information and evaluate options to procure Solar + Storage across the portfolio of public sector facilities. The information provided by the respondents will inform the development of an RFP solicitation that will be issued by the Joint CCAs on behalf of our public sector partners in summer 2020.
RFI Schedule
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Proposal Submittal
All communication regarding the RFI should be sent to
RFI Documents