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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Offers due Tuesday May 9, 2023 at 5 p.m. Pacific Prevailing Time (PPT)

Note: In consideration of CAISO’s delay in the release of the TPD allocation results, Peninsula Clean Energy has extended the deadline to submit proposals to our Fully Deliverable RFO to 5pm PPT on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.


Peninsula Clean Energy is excited to launch this Renewable Energy and Storage Request for Offers (RFO) for Fully Deliverable Renewable Energy and Storage projects. Peninsula Clean Energy is soliciting competitive proposals for the purchase of renewable energy and storage contracts to fulfill our energy goals, specifically Peninsula Clean Energy’s goal to serve our customers’ electricity needs with renewable energy on an hourly basis by 2025.

The goal of this Request for Offers for Fully Deliverable Renewable Energy + Storage (“RFO”) is to provide a competitive, objectively administered opportunity for suppliers to propose projects to fulfill Peninsula Clean Energy’s desire for renewable and storage resources that have a commercial on-line date of December 31, 2026 or earlier and have received Full Capacity Deliverability Status (FCDS) or equivalent from CAISO.

As part of this RFO, Peninsula Clean Energy seeks renewable energy and/or storage projects that meet the eligibility criteria defined in the CPUC Mid-Term Reliability Procurement Order (MTR Order). Peninsula Clean Energy is seeking 10 MW of capacity that qualifies as Long Duration Storage (8 hour or longer) and can be online by June 1, 2028. Peninsula Clean Energy is also interested in eligible capacity that can be online preferably on or before August 1, 2023, or on or before June 1, 2024, or June 1, 2025, or June 1, 2026, or June 1, 2027, including those that qualify as “zero-emitting resources” pursuant to Order Paragraph 6 of the MTR Order.

RFO schedule

Event Date
Issue RFO Thursday, March 16, 2023
Deadline to submit questions Friday, March 31, 2023
Q&A posted to RFO website Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Deadline to submit RFO proposals Tuesday, May 9, 2023 5 PM PPT
 Participants notified of shortlist status Tuesday, June 6, 2023
 Power purchase agreement and awards  Q3-Q4 2023

RFO materials


All RFO documents are available on the Peninsula Clean Energy website at: All announcements, updates and Q&As will be posted on the website.

All communications regarding this RFO should be sent to the RFO email at:

Please send communications only to the RFO email and not to the individual contacts’ email addresses. Emails sent to individual contacts and not to the RFO email may not be reviewed or responded to.

Submission and posting of Q&A

Questions are due no later than Friday March 31, 2023. PPT. Respondents are encouraged to submit questions concerning the RFO.

All questions must be submitted through the form posted here. Bidders are urged to submit RFO questions to Peninsula Clean Energy as early as possible, in consideration of the proposal submission deadlines.

Peninsula Clean Energy intends to post all questions submitted by bidders, as well as responses to those questions, in the form of an Addendum posted to the RFO website. Responses to questions will be posted on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. All addenda shall become part of this RFO. All questions will be posted anonymously, to shield the identity of bidders who posed the questions. Peninsula Clean Energy’s objective in posting questions and answers is to afford bidders equal access to information potentially relevant to their proposals.

Bid submittal

Respondents’ offers must be submitted by Tuesday May 9, 2023, 5 p.m. PPT. Offers must include the required documents described in the RFO instructions (see RFO materials, above). All proposals must meet the requirements of the RFO to be considered. However, Peninsula Clean Energy reserves the right to waive any deficiency of an offer.

Only electronic submittals will be accepted via e-mail sent to . Please include “Peninsula Clean Energy RFO for Fully Deliverable Projects, Offer from [Company Name]” in the subject line. Late proposals shall be rejected. This deadline is absolute, and proposals received after the due date and time shall not be considered.

About Peninsula Clean Energy

Peninsula Clean Energy is a Community Choice Aggregation agency. It is the official electricity provider for San Mateo County and, beginning in 2022, for the City of Los Banos in Merced County. Founded in 2016 with a mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the San Mateo County, the agency serves over 310,000 customer accounts by providing more than 3,600 gigawatt hours annually of electricity that is carbon-free and at a lower cost than PG&E. Peninsula Clean Energy plans for and secures commitments from a diverse portfolio of energy-generating resources to reliably serve the electric energy requirements of its customers over the near-, mid-, and long-term planning horizons. As a community-led, not-for-profit agency, Peninsula Clean Energy makes significant investments in our communities to expand access to sustainable and affordable energy solutions. Peninsula Clean Energy is on track to deliver electricity that is 100% renewable on a time-coincident basis by 2025.

In May 2019, Peninsula Clean Energy received an investment grade credit rating of Baa2 from Moody’s. In April 2020, it received an investment grade credit rating of BBB+ from Fitch. As of September 30, 2022, Peninsula Clean Energy had an unaudited total cash and investments balance of $188.6 million representing all restricted and unrestricted cash plus short-term and medium-term investments. Of the total, $188.3 million, or 99.8%, was unrestricted representing 295 days of cash on hand, significantly higher than Peninsula Clean Energy’s Board policy requirement of 180 days. Peninsula Clean Energy’s financial statements including its fiscal year 2021-2022 audited financials are available on its website at For more information on Peninsula Clean Energy, please go to