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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Responses are due Wednesday, July 31, 2019.
For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see 2019 Community Outreach Grant

RFP Overview

Does your organization work with residents in San Mateo County? Harness the power of your existing communications, outreach, and services to help the environment and assist residents in saving money at the same time! Peninsula Clean Energy invites nonprofit organizations and local government agencies to apply for grants to fund collaboration with our outreach team to provide accurate information about PCE to your members, clients, constituents, and broader audiences. Grants will be awarded in amounts up to $40,000 per outreach project, for work to be completed by the end of July 2020. Organizations may apply for funding for more than one project.

Grant Program Eligibility

All 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, their fiscally sponsored projects, or government agencies with an established track record of public outreach, communications, providing social services, or case management in San Mateo County are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Grant Program Goals

The goals of the program are to collaborate with trusted local nonprofits to increase knowledge of the following key messages among residents and community leaders in San Mateo County.

All proposed work plans should include general outreach and education about Peninsula Clean Energy (goals 1 and 2 below). In addition, proposals should also address any combination of additional goals as described below (3-8). Goals 3-5 should be oriented toward organizations reaching underserved communities, including low-income residents. Goals 6-8 should focus on groups reaching broad public audiences. Any applicant organization may choose to focus on any combination of social service and broader education goals.

Goals for All Grants

  1. Communicate basic messages about Peninsula Clean Energy: providing cleaner energy at lower rates for all of San Mateo County
  2. Explain how PCE savings appear on residential energy bills

Goals for Grants Focused on Underserved Communities

  1. Communicate eligibility for electricity discount, efficiency, and associated programs
  2. Help residents avoid the PG&E disconnection process
  3. Explain DriveForward Electric program, and communicate eligibility for incentives for used plug-in hybrid electric vehicles for income-qualifying individuals

Priority audience: Low-income residents of San Mateo County

Goals for Grants Focused on General Public Education

  1. Educate residents and key community influencers about the benefits of electric vehicles, how to adopt them, and PCE programs supporting adoption
  2. Educate residents and key community influencers about the benefits of building electrification and approaches to electrification
  3. Actively engage community members in climate change planning

Benefits of EVs and building electrification should include economic, health, safety, and environmental considerations. Other considerations may be included where appropriate.

Priority audience: All San Mateo County residents, including community leaders and influencers

Grant Application Process and Requirements

To apply, please fill out the following Google Form or you can email the application materials to Kirsten Andrews-Schwind, All application materials are due on July 31, 2019.

Each request may be made in an amount up to $40,000 per project. Grants will be paid 50% up front, and 50% upon receipt of a brief mid-cycle progress report.

Complete applications must include:

You may also choose to provide examples of materials or reports from similar outreach work recently conducted by your organization, or reference contact information for recent funders or collaborators.

Questions may be sent to Kirsten Andrews-Schwind:

RFP Documents