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Peninsula Clean Energy to Give Special Recognition for Climate Action Leadership

Responses are due October 27, 2023 at 5pm Pacific Time.

RFP Overview

Peninsula Clean Energy issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) to seek offers from qualified providers for a Single-Family Home Electrification Turnkey and Direct Install Service (“Single-Family Service”). The RFP is seeking a third-party implementation team capable of managing the program and installing equipment, resulting in a team that includes both a program administrator and one or more installation contractors. The Single-Family Service is a major component of PCE’s overall strategy for building decarbonization. The Single-Family Service will electrify single-family residences via three program elements:

  1. Income-qualified direct install electrification – This element will provide direct-installation services for eligible low-income customers living in single-family residences. This service will build on PCE’s existing Home Upgrade program to provide whole-home or partial electrification and minor home repair at no cost to the homeowner.
  2. Cost-share turnkey electrification – This element will provide turnkey installation services for electrification measures to market-rate customers living in single-family residences. Wiring, circuitry, plumbing, carpentry, and other services required to enable the installation of the equipment will be included in the installation.
  3. Emergency water heater replacement – This element of will provide rapid replacement of failing natural gas water heaters with a heat pump water heater under qualified conditions. If remediation is required, such as an electrical circuit, a loaner gas water heater may be installed to ensure there is no service interruption while work proceeds through the Direct Install and Cost-Share Turnkey services.

The selected proposal team will work with PCE to finalize all aspects of the program design, including program requirements and procedures, technical design guidelines, and other elements. Once the Single-Family Service is launched, the selected proposal team will be tasked with overseeing all aspects of the program, including customer management, scheduling and installation management, payment management (including collecting payment customers and third-party incentive programs), and homeowner support.

This RFP-

RFP Schedule

Event Date
RFP released August 28, 2023
Pre-proposal webinar (recommended but not required) September 12, 2023 at 2pm PST
Deadline to submit questions September 22, 2023 at 5pm PST
Answers to submitted questions are posted September 27, 2023
Deadline to submit proposals October 27, 2023 at 5pm PST
Notification of shortlisted proposers November 7, 2023
Interviews November 13-17, 2023
Tentative award selection December 1, 2023
Contract execution January 30, 2024

Proposal Submittal

Proposals must be received on or before the above deadline and submittal must be by email to with the subject “Proposal – <Vendor Name> – Turnkey Electrification”. Peninsula Clean Energy may request clarifications on submitted proposals by email or phone. Prompt responses will be requested.

By participating in Peninsula Clean Energy’s RFP process, a Proposer acknowledges that it has read, understands, and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in these RFP instructions. Peninsula Clean Energy reserves the right to reject any offer that does not comply with the requirements identified herein. Furthermore, Peninsula Clean Energy may, in its sole discretion and without notice, modify, suspend, or terminate the RFP without liability to any organization or individual. The RFP does not constitute an offer to buy or create an obligation for Peninsula Clean Energy to enter into an agreement with any party, and Peninsula Clean Energy shall not be bound by the terms of any offer until Peninsula Clean Energy has entered into a fully executed agreement. Only electronic submittals will be accepted.


RFP Instructions and Scope of Work (pdf)

Cost Table (xls) – Must be submitted with proposal

Pre-bid webinar recording  (passcode: XKq5p*#e)

Pre-bid webinar attendee list 

RFP Questions & Answers