Los Banos heat pump water heater program FAQs

No, all installations need to be done on or after April 01, 2022 for the Peninsula Clean Energy Rebate.



Yes, an upgrade to or an addition of a sub-panel required to make room for the new heat pump water heater is eligible for a rebate of up to $750.

Currently, Peninsula Clean Energy is only incentivizing Heat Pump Water Heaters.


熱泵熱水器 (HPWH) 比標準電阻熱水器更緩慢地加熱水。為了確保有足夠的熱水來滿足您的需求,正確調整 HPWH 的尺寸非常重要,以便它可以使用高效的熱泵,而不是速度更快但效率較低的備用電阻加熱元件。與 HPWH 一起安裝恆溫混合閥將進一步確保您不會用完熱水。恆溫混合閥可讓您將水箱溫度設定得更高(例如 140 F),然後將熱水與冷水混合,將溫度降至安全、可用的溫度(例如 125 F)。


For maximum efficiency, use whichever mode prioritizes the use of the heat pump. The owner’s manual will describe each mode.
