San Carlos Case Study: EV chargers for your fleet, less is more

When it comes to EV chargers for your fleet, less is more

Most fleets only need to install 1 EV charging port for every 2.5 electric vehicles in their fleet, or one dual-port charger for every five vehicles.

How many EV chargers do you need?

Vehicle-to-port ratios for LD/MD vehicles

Average miles/dayVehicles per Level 2 charging port

Vehicle-to-port ratios can be increased beyond 3:1 if fleets can use a charger multiple times per day such as 1 vehicle charging mid-day when not in use and another vehicle charging overnight.

Case Study: City of San Carlos

The City of San Carlos is using an efficient electric vehicle charging strategy to minimize costs and carbon emissions with assistance provided by Peninsula Clean Energy and support from Optony. The Cityʼs corporation yard fleet consists of 39 vehicles. They have already installed 5 EV chargers, which will support up to 17 EVs in their fleet as they make the switch to EVs

5 EV chargers supports up to 17 pick-up trucks!

Fleets can avoid utility upgrades and save thousands of dollars with an efficient charging strategy. San Carlos is saving over $80,000 by avoiding a 1:1 charging ratio. Does your public fleet need help getting started? Apply to our GovEV program below.

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