
Clean electricity service coming to Los Banos:
Peninsula Clean Energy public workshops

Come learn about a new service for residents and businesses in the City of Los Banos! Peninsula Clean Energy will begin delivering cleaner electricity at lower rates in Los Banos starting in April 2022. The average household will automatically save a few dollars each month on their PG&E bills while also helping the environment. Customers with CARE or other energy discounts will keep these discounts and enjoy the additional savings as well.


March 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in Spanish
March 31, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in English 


Hybrid event in-person at the Los Banos Community Center at 645 Seventh St, Los Banos and remote by video or phone at 720-707-2699



Zoom meeting

Spanish workshop

or by Phone: 720-707-2699
Passcode: 486519
Webinar ID: 878 7538 2508

English workshop

or by Phone: 720-707-2699
Passcode: 892072
Webinar ID: 859 2899 2849


RSVP for one of these workshops and you’ll automatically be entered into a drawing to win a free portable induction cooktop.* RSVPs are recommended but not required.

Peninsula Clean Energy is a public agency that purchases energy in bulk from clean sources and provides a 5% discount on electricity generation to its customers. The City of Los Banos voted to join Peninsula Clean Energy in 2020 to offer this benefit to its residents and businesses.

Customers will be automatically enrolled to benefit from the discounted rates. This new service is not for the installation of solar panels — customers do not have to install solar on their roofs to receive Peninsula Clean Energy's services. The clean energy is delivered to you automatically through a collaboration with PG&E. Residents and businesses will receive four enrollment notices in the mail with more details about this service and can opt out at any point. See more information at

In this free public workshop we will discuss:

  1. How it works: How you will receive clean energy
  2. Lower rates: How savings will appear on your PG&E bill
  3. Clean energy sources: Where your electricity will come from
  4. Additional savings: How you can take advantage of rebates and programs to go green
  5. Your energy choices: How to opt out of the program if you choose
  6. Q&A: We will answer your questions

These workshops will be held both in person at the Los Banos Community Center and will also be broadcast simultaneously on Zoom with an option to join by telephone. If the public health situation changes, the workshops may be held completely remotely. RSVPs are recommended but not required. Workshop materials will be posted online at

* By registering for this event, you will be automatically entered into a drawing to win one of two Duxtop 1800W model 9100 portable induction cooktops or similar with an estimated retail value of $75. Open to all residents of Los Banos except for employees, board members or board member alternates of Peninsula Clean Energy and members of their households. Only one entry per person. If you do not wish to register for this event, you may enter the drawing by sending an email to with the subject line: “Los Banos induction cooktop drawing” and include your full name and mailing address (no P.O. Boxes please). Deadline to enter is March 31, 2022. Winners will be notified by April 5, 2022. No purchase is necessary, and you do not have to be a customer of Peninsula Clean Energy to enter the drawing.