Upgrade to 100% renewable energy

Most Peninsula Clean Energy customers are automatically enrolled with Peninsula Clean Energy's ECOplus*, which is at least 50% renewable and 100% clean energy and is provided at lower rates than PG&E. Consider upgrading to energy that is also 100% renewable with our ECO100 service.



*Portola Valley residents and businesses have been automatically enrolled in our ECO100 product, based on their town council’s vote to go carbon-free and 100% renewable right from the start. This makes Portola Valley one of the first towns in California to be entirely 100% renewable!

Good for Business

With Peninsula Clean Energy, you are saving money on your monthly electricity bills. Your company is benefiting from our lower rates, while stimulating the health of the local economy and environment. Many customers and employees prefer businesses who take action to improve the environment. And Peninsula Clean Energy reinvests back into the community in the form of new energy efficiency projects and programs, encouraging the creation of new jobs.

ECOplus is our default electric option, in which you are automatically enrolled.

  • Lower rates than what you currently pay PG&E
  • 50% of your electricity will come from renewables
  • 100% carbon-free

ECO100 is for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint even more and help make the greatest impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • 100% of your electricity will come from renewables
  • 100% carbon-free
  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Costs $0.01 per kWh more than our ECOplus option



ECO100 is Green-e Energy certified, and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions.

Learn more at green-e.org.

The Power of Choice

Signing up for ECO100 means 100% of the power you are paying for comes from clean, renewable sources. Businesses can choose to upgrade to this option and buy Green-e certified electricity that is 100% renewable and 100% carbon-free at a slight premium of a penny more per kilowatt-hour above Peninsula Clean Energy’s ECOplus rates. Choosing ECO100 can help your business meet additional renewable energy goals and help qualify you for LEED certification points.

Green-e Energy is the nation’s leading independent certification and verification program for renewable energy. It is a voluntary consumer-protection program that certifies superior renewable energy options offered by utilities and marketers in the voluntary renewable energy market.

Power your business with ECO100. Choose 100% carbon-free and renewable energy.

Upgrade today!