RFP – 2020 Low-Income Home Upgrade & Electrification Program
RFP was updated October 19, 2020
Responses Due Friday, November 20th at 5pm Pacific Time
For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see 2020 Peninsula Clean Energy Low-Income Home Upgrade & Electrification Program RFP (Updated Oct. 19)
RFP Overview
Peninsula Clean Energy programs include advancing transportation and building electrification, resilience and load shaping, and other clean energy initiatives. This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks offers from qualified providers to administer and implement a low-income home upgrade and electrification program. Peninsula Clean Energy will evaluate the offers received from this RFP and plans to negotiate and execute a contract with the selected proposer. The contract will be taken to Peninsula Clean Energy’s Board of Directors for final approval.
This RFP:
- Provides general background on Peninsula Clean Energy
- Describes the service sought by Peninsula Clean Energy (scope of work)
- Provides an opportunity for Proposers to describe their qualifications and experience and explain how they can contribute to services requested.
RFP Schedule – Updated
Date | Event |
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | RFP Issued RFP updated October 19, 2020 |
Friday, November 6, 2020 | Deadline for Proposers to submit questions |
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 | Responses to questions received published on PCE’s website |
Friday, November 20, 2020 at 5pm Pacific Time | Deadline for Proposers to submit proposals |
Tuesday-Friday, December 1-4, 2020 | Possible interviews of top Proposers |
Tuesday, December 11, 2020 | Anticipated date PCE will notify awardee |
Thursday, December 17, 2020 | Anticipated date for Board approval of contract |
- Question & Answer: Proposers may submit questions concerning the RFP at programs@peninsulacleanenergy.com. All questions and answers will be shared with all Proposers and will be posted on Peninsula Clean Energy's website. Questions received in advance of the deadline will be responded to in advance of the response date where feasible.
Proposal Submittal
Proposals must be received on or before the above deadline and submittal must be by email to programs@peninsulacleanenergy.com with the subject “Proposal – – Low-Income Home Program”.
By participating in Peninsula Clean Energy’s RFP process, a Proposer acknowledges that it has read, understands, and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in these RFP Instructions. Peninsula Clean Energy reserves the right to reject any offer that does not comply with the requirements identified herein. Furthermore, Peninsula Clean Energy may, in its sole discretion and without notice, modify, suspend, or terminate the RFP without liability to any organization or individual. The RFP does not constitute an offer to buy or create an obligation for Peninsula Clean Energy to enter into an agreement with any party, and Peninsula Clean Energy shall not be bound by the terms of any offer until Peninsula Clean Energy has entered into a fully executed agreement. Only electronic submittals will be accepted.