Responses are due Friday, October 6, 2023.
For complete Call for Proposals and instructions on how to apply, please see the 2024 Peninsula Clean Energy Outreach Grants Call for Proposals. Submit questions to Vanessa Shin by September 15, 2023 at
Call for Proposals Overview
Does your organization work with residents in San Mateo County or in the City of Los Banos? Harness the power of your existing communications, outreach, and services to help the environment and assist residents in saving money at the same time.
Peninsula Clean Energy invites applications for grants up to $45,000 per organization to collaborate on outreach to residents in San Mateo County or in the City of Los Banos.
Grant Program Eligibility
All 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or their fiscally sponsored projects with an established track record of public outreach, communications, providing social services, or case management in San Mateo County or in the City of Los Banos are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Grant Program Goals
Peninsula Clean Energy invites nonprofit organizations to apply for grants to fund collaboration with our outreach team to provide accurate information about Peninsula Clean Energy and/or help enroll your constituents in our programs. Grants will be awarded in amounts up to $45,000 per organization for work to be completed within one year.
All proposed work plans should include general outreach and education about Peninsula Clean Energy. In addition, proposals should also address any combination of additional goals as described below.
General Outreach and Education about Peninsula Clean Energy (Required for All Grants)
Goals for Grants Focused on Low-Income and Underserved Communities
Goals for Grants Focused on Public Education
Grant Application Process and Requirements
Please send email application materials to Vanessa Shin, with the subject line “Community Outreach Grant Application.” All application materials are due by October 6, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
The estimated timeline for this process is outlined below. This timeline is subject to change.
Complete applications must include:
Outreach Grant Documents