Customer Awareness Survey

Responses due Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 5:00pm Pacific Time

For complete RFP and instructions on how to apply, please see RFP Peninsula Clean Energy Customer Awareness Survey.

RFP Overview

Peninsula Clean Energy Authority issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) to seek offers from qualified providers for consumer awareness and attitudes survey development, administration, and analysis. Peninsula Clean Energy intends to offer a contract term of at least one year, with the option to extend to multiple years upon determination by Peninsula Clean Energy.

RFP Schedule

November 22, 2019RFP Published by Peninsula Clean Energy
December 13, 2019Deadline for Proposers to submit questions
December 20, 2019Peninsula Clean Energy to post responses to questions received
January 15, 2020, 5 pm PacificDeadline for Proposers to submit proposals
January 27-29, 2020Possible in-person interviews of top Proposers
January 31, 2020Anticipated date Peninsula Clean Energy will notify awardee
Early February 2020Contract begins
  • Question & Answer: Proposers may submit questions concerning the RFP
  • Offer Review: Peninsula Clean Energy will evaluate all Offers according to the criteria in the RFP. OPTIONAL: During this phase, Peninsula Clean Energy will identify submitted Offers for short-listing, and then notify short-listed Participants.
  • Contract Redline: Prior to interview, each shortlisted participant will provide a redline of Peninsula Clean Energy’s standard contract terms.
  • Interviews with Shortlisted Participants: Peninsula Clean Energy may request interviews with Shortlisted Parties by phone or at Peninsula Clean Energy’s offices in Redwood City.

Proposal Submittal

Proposals must be received on or before the above deadline and submittal must be by email to with the subject “Proposal – – Awareness Survey”.

RFP Documents