

City of San Mateo Recycling Event

Keep our City clean and your home uncluttered. We host two community recycling events annually that are always free to our citizens. Visit the webpage linked here for the most current information about acceptable recyclables. Remember to plan ahead and expect to wait your turn at the event. We are dedicated to helping you remove unwanted recyclables, but we are a small staff. Thank you, in advance, for your patience and for making great choices for a cleaner San Mateo.

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Edgewood Weed Warriors 的營運已獲得加州本土植物協會頒發的許可證。他們定期開會,清除埃奇伍德的入侵植物,從而實現更大的生物多樣性、自然棲息地和每個人都喜歡的美麗野花展示。

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